This recipe was provided by one of our customers, Amy Burkhart.
No Bake Lasagna Noodles
2 Jars Spaghetti Sauce
1-2 Pounds cooked Ground Beef
4c Mozzarella
1 Egg
12 oz Sour Cream
1 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Basil
Mix meat and sauce, put a little in the bottom of the casserole pan. Start layering noodles and spread sour cream mix on top of noodles. Add meat sauce then cheese on top. I do 4-5 layers depending on how many noodles I have and spread mozzarella on top after the last sauce/meat layer.
Bake 350* for 45-55 minutes with foil. Remove foil and brown cheese for 8 mines. Let sit 5 minutes before cutting.